
Chapter 12: Smart Shopping


4. A series of black lines, bars, and numbers printed on food labels to identify the product its manufacturer, size, and style or form for a computer programmed to reflect the current price of that item.
6. Foods that stay fresh for a long time, such as flour and sugar.
9. Brands that cost the most because they have fancy packages and are advertised.
10. The last date a food should be eaten.
11. A discount food store that is formed when a group of people get together and buy large amounts of food.
12. Any substance added to foods.
13. The cost per unit of an item.
14. A plan that helps you save time, energy, and money. It also helps you reach your food shopping goal of getting what you need at the best price.


1. The date that indicates how long a food will be fresh and tasty.
2. The last day a food should be sold.
3. The last day a food should be sold.
5. A type of large food store that offers special services and also sells nonfood items.
7. To cook food gently in simmering liquid.
8. A system of putting dates on foods to help you to decide which package to buy and which to use first.

G-W Learning