
Chapter 9: Keep It Clean!


1. A deadly foodborne illness.
3. Disease caused by a pathogen in food.
6. Type of bacteria which cause foodborne illness that are found in raw poultry and eggs.
9. An agent of infectious disease.
11. An organism that lives inside or on a host.
14. Roundworms found in raw or partly cooked pork or wild game.
15. Spreading bacteria to a clean food from contaminated work surfaces, utensils, hands, or food.
16. Part of a range that is used to cook food in pots.
17. An organism or substance that invades the body and damages its cells.


2. Bacterial colonies that look like fuzzy growths on the surface of foods.
3. Another name for foodborne illness.
4. Bacteria which cause foodborne illness that are found in protein-rich foods, cream filled pastries, and moist salads made with chopped foods (such as potato salad, macaroni salad, and ham salad).
5. Foodborne illness caused by a virus found in water contaminated with sewage.
7. A disease caused by roundworms.
8. Bacteria which cause foodborne illness that are found mostly in raw milk, certain cheeses, lunchmeats and hot dogs.
10. The study and use of methods that create a clean, healthy environment.
12. Poison.
13. Tiny organisms that are found everywhere. A few types can cause foodborne illness.

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