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Chapter 26: Your Personal Living Space


1. Term used for full-length, formal window treatments that are lined.
4. Human need to interact with people.
9. Dry dirt not bound to a surface.
13. Tasks done daily as a part of your regular activity.
14. Styles with features belonging to an earlier period, style, or fashion.
15. A legal document that renters must sign agreeing to pay the rent on time and to keep the property in good shape.
16. Apartments available for purchase.
17. Long-term loan taken out for home purchase.
18. A group of members that manage a building's maintenance funds and other property issues.


1. Two living units attached by a common wall.
2. Country.
3. Dirt that sticks to surfaces.
4. Areas in the home used by all the family members and for entertaining guests.
5. A washable, removable bed cover that encloses a comforter.
6. Two-or three-level-homes in a row attached by common walls. Also called row houses.
7. A particle-wood board with small holes in it.
8. Permanent pieces installed in a room.
10. The style and layout of interior furnishings.
11. Things that make life easier and more pleasant.
12. Two or more large multiple-family buildings.

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