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Chapter 14: Parenting


2. To give up time or a belonging to benefit someone or something else.
3. Failure to meet a child's needs.
4. Intentional methods parents or guardians use to teach their children acceptable behavior.
6. Love given freely without conditions or limits.
7. A form of physical abuse characterized by severe trauma to the brain. This can occur if a parent violently shakes a baby out of frustration for inconsolable crying.
8. A condition that causes permanent physical and cognitive disabilities in children. This syndrome occurs when alcohol is consumed during pregnancy.
9. When an apparently healthy infant dies suddenly without warning or cause.


1. To positively validate an action or thing.
3. Harm to a child that is done on purpose, which may be physical, emotional, or sexual.
5. Words and actions parents or guardians use to affect their children's behavior.

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