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Chapter 11: Preparing for Job Success


1. An employee's boss.
3. Quality describing someone's honesty.
9. A group of people working together for a special purpose.
11. People who can get group members to easily follow their lead and do what they ask.
12. Person who guides a group toward a common goal.
13. Outline of items to consider or do in a meeting.
14. Practices used to examine a problem, research possible solutions, and analyze potential outcomes.
15. Looking at all sides of an issue to analyze the situation and solve problems.


2. On time.
3. The effort of a group of people acting together to do something or to reach a goal.
4. Being careful not to offend or upset other people.
5. Computer aided design used in jobs with artistic elements.
6. A person's belief about work based on his or her values.
7. Being trusted to do or provide what is needed.
8. To work well with others.
10. Feeling the need or desire to do something.

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