Chapter 17: Academic Knowledge: Body Systems for Maintenance and Continuation | Crossword


1.male gametes.
4.the genetically unique cell that results from fertilization and contains 46 chromosomes.
6.muscle contractions.
8.substance that helps mix fat with digestive enzymes so that it breaks down in the intestines.
11.molecules such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals used by the body to grow and maintain body processes.
14.a hollow, muscular organ whose purpose is to receive and nourish a fertilized egg.
16.a thick, milky white fluid that supports sperm on their way to the uterus.
17.the units used to measure energy gained from digestion.
21.a tube that leads from the kidney to the bladder.
22.the passing of traits (such as eye color, height, and some diseases) from parent or ancestor to offspring through chromosomes.
23.a thin tube that leads from the bladder to outside of the body.
24.the female gametes, also known as eggs.
25.reproductive cells that have half the normal number of chromosomes and unite during fertilization; sperm in males and ova in females.
26.the act of returning a substance to the part of the body from which it was previously filtered out.
27.the male sex organs.


1.a sac that holds the testes on the outside of the body.
2.a fluid-filled cavity that develops in a morula.
3.finger-like projections in the intestines that increase their surface area.
5.the primary reproductive organs; testes in males and ovaries in females.
6.the male reproductive organ, which delivers sperm to the female reproductive tract.
7.a short segment whose lower end comprises the anal canal.
9.a duct through which sperm leave a testicle; also called the ductus deferens.
10.the organ that produces enzymes to digest carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
12.the digestive tube that runs from the throat to the stomach.
13.the developing human from the time of implantation to the end of the eighth week after conception.
15.a hormone that is responsible for the development of female characteristics during puberty.
18.a developing human from eight weeks after conception to birth.
19.the narrow neck at the bottom of the uterus that connects to the vagina.
20.the organ that breaks down and removes toxic substances, drugs, bacteria, and dead red blood cells from the body.

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