Phone Message

Complete the phone message form after reading the following conversation.

The call comes in on today’s date at 11:45 a.m.

Jane: Good morning! Sunbeam Clinic, Dr. Molofsky’s office. This is his receptionist, Jane. May I help you?

Caller: I’d like to schedule an appointment to have my cast removed. But I need to talk to Dr. Molofsky first.

Jane: To whom am I speaking?

Caller: Darnell Peters.

Jane: What is the phone number you can be reached at?

Darnell: (935) 873-2511

Jane: What is the best time to have him return your call?

Darnell: Anytime today is good for me.

Jane: I will give him this message and Dr. Molofsky should be able to call you this afternoon. Thank you, Darnell!

While You Were Out