In this chapter, you will be learning about the human body and its systems. Before you begin reading, take the following quiz to assess your current understanding of the human body systems, and how each system affects your health and wellness.

Health Concepts to Understand

  1. Do you know what is the basic unit of life?
  2. Can you name the body system that includes the skin, hair, and nails?
  3. Do you know which body system is made of 206 bones that provide structure, shape, and protection to the body?
  4. Can you name the three types of muscle tissue in the muscular system?
  5. Do you know which body system moves blood throughout the body to provide oxygen, nutrients, and energy?
  6. Do you know which body system exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide through inhaling and exhaling?
  7. Can you name the body system that brings food into the body and breaks it down?
  8. Do you understand which organs are involved in the removal of liquid waste from the body in the urinary system?
  9. Do you know which body system removes foreign substances from the body?
  10. Can you name the body system that involves the brain, spinal cord, and nerves?
  11. Do you understand how the endocrine system uses hormones to control the body?
  12. Count your “Yes” and “No” responses.
