In this chapter, you will be learning about mental and emotional health. Before you begin reading, take the following quiz to assess your current mental and emotional health habits.

Healthy Choices

  1. Can you keep a positive outlook in stressful situations and focus on the good aspects of these situations?
  2. Are you tolerant and accepting of other people’s beliefs, values, and feelings?
  3. Do you accept your strengths and weaknesses as different parts of who you are?
  4. Are you honest and fair in your interactions with others?
  5. Can you recognize your emotions and feelings and understand why you experience them?
  6. Can you enjoy spending time with other people, as well as spending time alone?
  7. Instead of bottling up your emotions, do you express them clearly to others?
  8. Do you help people in need and thank those who help you?
  9. Do you trust your own judgment and feel confident that you can make the right decision, even in difficult situations?
  10. Can you understand others’ wants, needs, and points of view?
  11. Do you practice relaxation techniques, like deep breathing or meditation, to manage how your body responds to stress?
  12. Count your “Yes” and “No” responses.
