In this chapter, you will be learning about healthy relationships. Before you begin reading, take the following quiz to assess your current healthy relationship habits.

Healthy Choices

  1. Do you have a social support system of people you can count on to help you in times of crises?
  2. Are you a patient and attentive listener?
  3. Can you clearly express to someone your wants, needs, opinions, and feelings?
  4. Are you able to prevent or resolve conflicts with parents and siblings?
  5. Do you and your friends avoid excluding other people from your group?
  6. Do you avoid interrupting, judging, or criticizing others when they are talking?
  7. Do you try not to rely too much on virtual interactions with your friends, choosing face-to-face interactions instead?
  8. Do you know the difference between casual dating and group dating?
  9. Are your relationships with others based on characteristics of honesty, trust, mutual respect, care, and commitment?
  10. Count your “Yes” and “No” responses.
