Read the passage below and then answer the questions.

While heterosexual teens are exploring their sexuality and sexual orientation, teens who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (often abbreviated as LGBT) are doing the same. LGBT teens think about and want to discuss their romantic feelings, dating experiences, and sexuality, just as heterosexual teens do. LGBT teens often feel, however, that they must hide this part of themselves from others.

From a young age, LGBT teens notice that most people are straight, or heterosexual, and that straight sexual behavior is considered the norm. In much of society, LGBT teens are expected to be straight, and their sexual identity is expected to match their biological sex.

The term homophobia was first used in 1969 to describe an irrational fear of homosexuality. Today homophobia describes discrimination, anger, and fear directed at homosexuality and LGBT individuals. LGBT teens may have to deal with other people's negative attitudes and actions, in some cases on a daily basis. Some of the people exhibiting this negative behavior may be the LGBT teen's own family members.