Chapter 14: Developing Guidance Skills | Crossword


1.A guidance technique that involves moving a child away from others for a short period of time.
3.Direct and indirect actions used by an adult to help children develop socially acceptable behavior.
9.Reminding children to follow classroom rules, stating the misbehavior and the consequences
11.Questions that promote discussion and require more than one-word answers.
12.Avoiding an acknowledgment to a child’s inappropriate behavior if the behavior is not dangerous.
13.Making a verbal or nonverbal suggestion that requires a response; used to either stop an unacceptable action or start an acceptable one; requires a response from the child.
14.All the communication that occurs within a setting, including verbal and nonverbal communication.
15.Giving full attention to another person or people.
16.Placing thoughts for consideration into children’s minds.


2.Verbal and nonverbal actions by one person, setting an example for others.
4.A result that follows an action or behavior.
5.A form of discipline that focuses on the use of unreasonable, often harsh, actions to force children into behaving the way adults want. It is meant to hurt or humiliate by physically reprimanding or removing privileges.
6.A verbal statement that explains the effect of a child’s behavior in a respectful manner.
7.A term that includes both guidance and punishment. Guidance consists of direct actions to help children develop internal controls and appropriate behavior patterns. Punishment focuses on the use of unreasonable, often harsh, action to force children into behaving the way adults want.
8.A technique used to divert, or turn, a child’s attention in a different direction.
10.Encouraging children to act or behave in a certain way by appealing to their basic wants and needs.

G-W Learning