Chapter 5: Study Skills | Pretest

  1. What are some study habits that you practice?
  2. Of the three learning styles—auditory, visual, and kinesthetic—which do you think applies most to you?
  3. Name two time management strategies that might be helpful to you as a student.
  4. What is one common error that might derail critical thinking?
  5. Name two things you can do in class get the most out of a lecture.
  6. What is one strategy that you use when taking notes in class?
  7. Name one thing you can do to improve memorization of material you hear in class.
  8. Ideally, when should you begin preparing for a test?
  9. Name two things you should remember when taking a test.
  10. What are three ways you can maintain a healthy lifestyle?
  11. What are some stressors that you often experience in your life?
  12. Name one thing you can do today to manage your stress.
  13. Name three learning strategies or activities that might work well for visual learners?
  14. Name three learning strategies or activities that might work well for auditory learners?
  15. Name three learning strategies or activities that might work well for kinesthetic learners?
  16. Why do you think it might be beneficial to join a study group?
  17. What is critical thinking?
  18. What is active listening?
  19. What is a mnemonic device?
  20. What are some strategies for managing stress?